Miami port

Before I started working on cruise ships, people used to call me "Đuro putnik". That's a term in my language that means something like flaneur: someone who wanders around without a purpose, just enjoying life and observing their surroundings.

6/23/20231 min read

I've been a wanderer for most of my life, exploring different places and trying out different careers. I wanted to share some
I've been a wanderer for most of my life, exploring different places and trying out different careers. I wanted to share some

I've been a wanderer for most of my life, exploring different places and trying out different careers. I wanted to share some of my stories and memories on my website's blog, but I didn't know where to begin. Then I came across this photo that seemed like a good starting point.

It shows a bunch of us who were training to be photographers on cruise ships in Miami. We were about to board the Majesty of the Seas and join the crew there for a taste of what our job would be like. We were excited and nervous, not knowing what to expect or where we would end up.

This blog is not going to follow a chronological order, but rather a random one. Whatever pops into my head or catches my eye as I unpack my boxes and suitcases, I will write about it here. Along with everything that happened before and after this adventure.

Before I started working on cruise ships, people used to call me "Đuro putnik". That's a term in my language that means something like flaneur: someone who wanders around without a purpose, just enjoying life and observing their surroundings. That's how I felt most of the time, even when I was working. And that's how I made the most of my cruise ship experience, where I worked hard but also saw amazing things in the world.